Dance is an all encompassing art form. It is music made physical. It is experienced visually, audibly and kinesthetically. When all of these elements come together perfectly, we have an emotional experience that we carry with us for a long time. But when one of those pieces is lacking or not seamless, it throws off the whole experience. It leaves us, subconsciously sometimes, stuck in that moment of disconnect. The obvious issue is that a bad edit just doesn’t sound professional and, subconsciously, lowers the quality of the work in the mind of the audience or judge. Perhaps more importantly can affect the choreographer in the sense that they are trying establish a flow of movement that is natural and progressive. Having an awkward cut can throw off the creative process making the movement awkward or out of synch with what was originally intended. The choreographer and dancer have to find a way to compensate for the glitch and transition through it rather than simply allow the flow of the intention and movement to carry them through.
Music Editing For The Dance Teacher
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