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How To Achieve Every Goal...And Not Get In Your Way


Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhancement Tips for the Business Owner

We've all been there.You set a goal for yourself but somehow along the way, you don't make it to the finish line...and there's no one to blame but yourself. Somehow, you've stood in your own way. Many people consider the possibility that there are two probable selves within us. Let’s call them "Yous". The first "you" is the one that is constantly critical and often keeps you from realizing your truest potential. It’s the "you" that is the self doubter and the one that more often than not carries the energy of fear from day to day. It’s the one that will put a roadblock in your way and will literally prevent you from achieving your goal. This "you" has endless mind-chatter associated with it and it’s the chatter that will stop you dead in your tracks.


Robert Landau

Robert Landau

Robert Landau - National Motivational Speaker/Certified Life Coach/Podcast Host “When it comes to changing lives, I’M THAT GUY!” #robertlandaumotivation #motivational #landaumotivationalspeaker #whenitcomestochanginglivesimthatguy #lifecoach Robert Landau BIO National Motivational Speaker Robert Landau has delivered over 5,000 keynote presentations and seminars nationally and internationally in his 15 year speaking career. He continues to appear at the Dance Teacher Web Conference and has done so ever since the inception of the conference fifteen years ago. An accomplished Actor in New York City, then a celebrated International Cruise Director for close to 10 years with 300 ports of call on 400 cruises with major cruise lines, as a Motivational Speaker, Landau draws on his unique and productive world-wide experiences to create the ‘motivational lift’ that everyone is in so much need of nowadays. Robert also makes many appearances on radio, podcast and

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