The task of running a dance studio comes with all sorts of rewards year in and year out. However, anyone who got into this business thinking there wouldn't be some difficult decisions along the way probably woke up to an enlightening reality; especially when parents and students think they know best. With the inundation of reality shows devoted to dance, (some good and some not so good,) many young dancers have somehow come to the conclusion that this is all dance has to offer. This is what dance is. They want to emulate what they see on TV (even if they are not technically ready or it's age appropriate,) want to dance like, look like, be like and have choreography like 'those' dancers. In my opinion, as a competition adjudicator, this is why as of late, the majority of pieces you see at regionals all look the same after a while. It seems there are many studio directors and teachers that are not quite brave enough to break the mold to say, 'No, we're not going down that path and we are going to take a chance to set something artistically, creatively and vastly different for our students.' Believe it or not, that 'brave' inclination to break from the 'norm' IS going to be what puts your studio on the map and makes others remember your studio name. Being bold, being different, being refreshing is where it's at While it is however, a major success that dance exposure on TV has created an appreciation to what we have known all our lives, as studio directors, it starts with you to set the precedence for your students dance education.
What students need vs. what students want
Teacher article
Jessica Rizzo Stafford
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