One excellent FREE source of advertising that small business owners can take advantage of is a press release. What makes it different is that it should not look or appear to be an advertisement. It is helpful to know what the editors are looking for and how to get your story in the paper. There is a blanket formula that you can use that will increase the likelihood that your press release will make it to print. If you have done a competition, are presenting a show, hiring a new instructor, building or moving to a new facility, plan on doing a fundraising event, holding a master class or any other newsworthy story, then you have a possible opportunity for a press release. Do not take it personally if it does not make it to the paper. However, it is helpful if you can build some kind of relationship with the editor. Send them a thank you note or some other kind of gift when you do get your story published so that they remember you.
The Golden Rules of Writing a Press Release For Dance Studio Owners
Studio Owner Article
Success with Marketing and Sales
Angela D'Valda Sirico
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