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Assessing Your Students Strengths and Weaknesses

This time of year it is important to assess your students progress so that you can a). Make them look good in any choreography for the year end show and b). Help direct them to the right classes for next …

Teacher article



Q & A With Dance Teacher Web Founder Steve Sirico

We love hearing from our members who now come from all over the globe! We are thrilled to hear from teachers from Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, England, Scotland, Japan and all over the USA. Every couple …

Teacher article



Assessing Your Students

Many of us we are going in to the second half of our semester and this is a great time to take another look at our lesson plans, make adjustments when needed and incorporate any new ideas that we may …

Teacher article


Dance Teachers

Success Basics Everyone Needs to Know - Part 3: Enthusiasm

What is enthusiasm? For the most part it is one of those things you know when you see it, and other people know when you have it. In other words, it is what people see, and react to about you. …

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