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Studio Owner Article


How to Increase Revenue …

This Summer Get the Word Out About Your Studio

Summer is a great time to get out and about in your community for performances, demonstrations, lectures and workshops. We have for years, used the summer to build awareness about our school and the programs that we offer. Best of …

Teacher article



Jealousy And Its Repercussions!

As teachers, we are constantly dealing with all types of personalities and issues that arise when young people are doing something as a group. Each age group has its own set of problems that need to be addressed from time …

Teacher article



Pointe Work Injury Prevention

There are a variety of ways to prevent injuries for dancers on pointe. Much of it is common sense but it is also helpful to have a checklist of things that are important for a dancer to remember when they …

Teacher article



The Spine

Core training has recently become trendy, but it has actually been around for many years.The technique, which focuses and strengthens the pelvic floor and the transverse abdominal muscles, is one of the most beneficial aspects of spinal stability. In my …

Teacher article



How to Avoid Negative Self-Talk in Your Dance Students

Dancers spend a huge amount of time in front of mirrors looking at themselves critically. It’s rare for them to admire themselves or engage in positive self talk while they take class or rehearse. It’s more common for them to …

Teacher article



The Spine

Core training has recently become trendy, but it has actually been around for many years.The technique, which focuses and strengthens the pelvic floor and the transverse abdominal muscles, is one of the most beneficial aspects of spinal stability. In my …

Teacher article



The Importance of Stretching

Over the years I’ve discovered that different dance studios have varying approaches to stretching. While most do require dancers to stretch, more often than not they ask students to do so prior to actually dancing and the amount of stretching …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

Every Problem Has a Solution: Adventures in Creative Thinki…

In business, you will be from time to time faced with tough decisions, problems and issues. It may be about an employee, student or parent. Maybe it is a money issue or dealing with your landlord. How many times have …

Teacher article



Giving and Accepting Constructive Criticism The Studio Own…

I’ve been teaching a long time.I’ve taught at a lot of studios in a lot of different environments. For the most part, the majority of my employers have been very hands-off in terms of my choreography. I always hoped that …

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