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Teacher article



Improving Arabesque Lines

Most dancers like the idea of having a good arabesque line but very often in their effort to produce this, the body becomes slightly distorted and out of line which thoroughly defeats their original purpose. So often the basic principles …

Teacher article



Giving and Accepting Constructive Criticism The Studio Own…

I’ve been teaching a long time.I’ve taught at a lot of studios in a lot of different environments. For the most part, the majority of my employers have been very hands-off in terms of my choreography. I always hoped that …

Teacher article



Lessons Learned

When people think about a dance teacher, I imagine that they think we just teach dance. Technique, steps and choreography all are part and parcel of what we do. But those of us who are involved in the industry know …

Teacher article



How to Prepare Students and Parents for a Summer Intensive

You’re students have just received the email. They've been accepted to a premier summer dance intensive. This acceptance means so much—the student has enough talent to attend and he or she must be ready to endure the rigors of such …

Studio Owner Article


How to Increase Revenue …

Connecting With Local Business To Build Your Business

I have written about this subject in the past but it is a topic I feel very strongly about. If you are looking to increase business, brand and customer awareness then building connections with other businesses in your area is …

Teacher article



How to Prepare Students and Parents for a Summer Dance Inte…

You’re students have just received the email. They've been accepted to a premier summer dance intensive. This acceptance means so much—the student has enough talent to attend and he or she must be ready to endure the rigors of such …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

The Benefits Of Listing Your Kids Activity Center In An Onl…

It is no surprise to learn that, if you are running one or more of the many kids’ activity centers in the United States, there is a massive amount of competition on the Internet. In fact, as of November 1, …

Teacher article



The Importance of Isolations

When I was a young dancer studying in England and then New York, I was introduced to Isolation work by my first Jazz teacher, a gentleman by the name of Ivor Meggido. Ivor used isolation work in his warm ups …

Teacher article



Motivation, The Heart Of Self Improvement

Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change. Getting fired or having issues with your studio owner or school can be a real wake up call for some. Being humiliated or rebuked for something we did or didn’t do …

Teacher article



The Key to Getting Your Students to Follow Your Lead is Re…

As a dance teacher, the most important thing you need to receive from your students is respect. Without it they will not listen as well, take your corrections as well and follow your lead as well. Good leadership is the …

Teacher article



5 Tips That Create Radiant Skin For The Teacher Or Student!

Winter means shorter days and longer nights in twinkling lights! Whether you’re in low light, candlelight or the spotlight it’s time to highlight and these tips will make sure you or your students look dazzling!

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