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How To Be A Positive Influence For Change

Ideas for motivating and teaching life skills to your dance students. Did you know that dance teachers are also psychologists?! Some have had formal training and others have simply devised systems over the years that give support to their students …

Teacher article



To Give Is To Teach

I remember when Angela and I first decided to buy my former teacher, Mikki Williams dance school back in 1987. A Dance Class was a thriving studio with about 250 students. We were professional dancers, and we had taught master …

Teacher article



Teacher Class Planner

Your class plan is one the most important ingredients to a successful class. Below is a chart that you can use to fill in important information for each class you teach. Make two copies and leave one prominently displayed for …

Teacher article



Keeping Students Motivated

As the New Year begins and students return from the Holiday break there is a chance that as you get into the months of February and March you may experience a lull in both attendance and enthusiasm. Chances are it …

Teacher article



Using Improvisation to Spark Your Student's Creativity

The summer is a great time to work on something different with your students. Very often during the regular season, it is difficult to fit something like improvisation into your classes. There is always technique that needs working on, choreography …

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