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Teacher article



Gaining Your Students Respect and Appreciation

One of the big challenges today as a teacher is to get respect from your students. Unfortunately, part of it is just the way of todays society. You have a choice as a teacher as to what the relationship with …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

How To Find The Choreographer Within Us

As teachers of Dance we are constantly called upon to create movement, whether it is a few counts of eight, a complete number or a full length Ballet. Some teachers find it an easy continuation of their daily classes and …

Teacher article



How To Prepare Your Students To Perform

The majority of dance students dance because they have a genuine love for it. Very often when they are younger they find it easier to perform as they dance. Simply because they are uncomplicated and approach their classes and choreography …

Teacher article



Oh Boy! Helpful tips on how to teach boys

I remember when I first started taking dance lessons. It was 5 boys, including myself and 10 girls. The teacher had a great time choreographing and teaching because the boys brought a unique energy to the class and to what …

Teacher article



First Impression

As a new season starts with new and returning students, we believe that the way you start your first class will leave a big impression on the students and how they behave in your class. As that old saying goes …

Teacher article



Keeping Yourself Fit to Teach

We have written many articles on keeping your self mentally fresh and energized. This article is about the importance of keeping yourself physically fit. I am not just talking about working out, but how to keep your body feeling physically …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

The Best Resources for Your Online Marketing Dollars

This is the time of year that we, as studio business owners, spend most of our marketing budget. I am sure that most of you do newspaper ads, postcards, flyers and door hangers just to name a few. In previous …

Teacher article



Strengthening Exercises To Improve Balance For Pirouettes

Every dance student wants to be able to spin like a top, doing multiple pirouettes when in reality many do not have the basic posture and body strength to be able to even balance on one leg successfully! I have …

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