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The Desire For Increase

Students of all levels and varying degrees of interest have one common goal: The desire to improve! If, at all levels, you can show that they have increased their knowledge, skills level and their overall ability to express themselves, they …

Teacher article



Dance Educating vs. Dance Training

There has always been much emphasis placed on creative movement within K-12 dance education. However, the concept of integrating formal, more sophisticated improvisation and choreography-composition classes within the private sector has often been overlooked. As someone who just finished her …

Teacher article



Making Dance History Come To Life

One of the greatest gifts that we, as teachers, can give our students is to show them how to have an open and curious mind forever. Too often students only skim the surface in their classes and never really fully …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

Your Season End Review Process Starts Now

Nowadays most businesses are looking to cut costs. Some are cutting budgets even though they are having a good year financially. It is a good idea now that the season is over to analyze where your hard earned dollars are …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

Head Start: Structuring Your Class Schedules

Creating a new schedule for the Fall is always a challenge. Each year, because of faculty availability, ages of the students and the introduction of new classes, I always find it necessary to change things around. Some classes just always …

Teacher article



Using Imagery to Improve Port De Bras Part II

In Part 1, I focused on various ways to strengthen the port de bras by using resistance bands. This month I want to focus on shapes. Really getting students to understand the importance of making shapes is not always an …

Teacher article



Afro Jazz And Its Benifits

African Dance has always had a feeling of excitement and the rhythmic movements and the undercurrent of the hypnotic sound of the drums only intensify that feeling. A few years ago we added Afro Jazz to our curriculum and what …

Teacher article



Stage Makeup In Character

Add audience excitement and drama to your next performance by creating theme looks to enhance the feel and expression of your numbers character. Children especially love the fantasy! Here are a few favorite character themes to help your recital have …

Teacher article



Ways To Keep Your Dancers Strong Over The Summer

There are plenty of summer programs available to dancers of all ages. There are programs offered by the major ballet companies, musical theater and modern programs and sleepover camps that involve some type of dancing. All of these programs are …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

Underground Marketing That Works Get Targeted, Get Strategi…

As I have preached many times, one of these most important parts of your business will be how well your marketing works. It will determine how well your business is perceived by the public and whether you will get the …

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