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Teaching Young Dancers To Be Independent

Parents are always amazed when young dancers are able to get out on stage by themselves and remember their dance without coaching from the sidelines or the front of the theatre. I’m talking about the youngsters in the 3 to …

Teacher article



Helping Students Conquer Their Fears

As we step into the New Year it is important to identify our students’ goals and find ways to help them achieve them by learning skills that will enable them to overcome the fears that are holding them back. Who …

Teacher article



Understanding The Back

The back is the structure that keeps us upright, protects the spinal cord and internal organs and supports the brain. It is a truly marvelous piece of machinery. It is important for everyone to keep the back and surrounding areas …

Teacher article



A Plan For Getting More Done

One of the constant laments spoken by dance teachers is, 'If I only had more time!' I know that getting everything done is a challenge each and every day. It is amazing how each day flies by and it seems …

Teacher article



Skin Care Smarts: Daily Routine & Products

When you develop a daily routine, use common sense. If your skin doesn’t react well to a routine or product, change it! (See the Sensitive Skin section in 'Understanding Your Complexion Needs'). No one knows your skin better than you …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

Eight Reasons Why Direct Mail Is So Powerful

Direct mail is perhaps one of the most powerful marketing mediums in use today. Few other marketing tools can deliver your message with exact precision at such a low cost. The amount of mail in your mailbox every day attests …

Studio Owner Article


How to Increase Revenue …

Developing a Pricing Strategy

'How much should I charge?' 'What do you charge for classes?' These are questions I have been asked by many new and experienced dance school owners. Charging either too little or too much may produce the same results: difficulty luring …

Teacher article



5 Ways To Making Ballet Fun For Beginners!

I cannot even begin to count the number of times a mother has come in to register her daughter for classes and told us that her child didn’t want to do ballet because they wanted to have fun! It always …

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