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Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

Organization 101: How To Get Your Business In Gear

When you organize your business and eliminate the clutter, you will feel reenergized. You will find that you are easily motivated to get straight to work when you don’t have a mess to deal with. You will save time otherwise …

Teacher article



Hip Injury Prevention

In today’s competitive world it is common for dancers to try to get their legs up as high as possible in the air without fully understanding what is needed to actually get them there. As a result we are seeing …

Teacher article



Understanding Your Students Complexion Needs

In many ways our skin is oil and water. Some people have oily skin with a dry surface due to harsh products used to dry out oil—the problem is, you can’t stop your oil glands from producing oil with skin …

Teacher article



Ordering Costumes: Timing Is Everything!

'There is a time for everything and a season for every purpose under heaven,' and if you are a dance teacher or studio owner, you know that this is the season for ordering your costumes. It may not be easy …

Teacher article



The Value Of Knowledge Beyond Movement

From my experiences as both a student and a teacher, I have come to recognize that learning the why’s and how’s of technique, composition, history, anatomy and more is what ultimately separates the dancer who watches, repeats and may perform …

Teacher article



Building Stamina In Your Dancers

Too often young dancers lack physical and mental stamina in their work and they feel tired and drained by activity that should not have that effect in a young person.

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

6 words to avoid in your copywriting.

The consumer is bombarded with marketing messages all day long. In the car, on television, reading a paper or e-zine. The key to connecting with your prospective clients is to have good copy that is to the point without words …

Teacher article



Q & A With Angela D'Valda Sirico

We’ve had a number of emails from members who would like help with a number of issues that they are facing. This is the first of a new quarterly Q & A session that will answer your questions and give …

Studio Owner Article


Success with Marketing a…

Sales 101: The difference between marketing and advertising

I have received several e-mails from members about different ads they ran and how successful they were. What struck me the most is that many people confuse marketing with advertising and vice versa. While both components are important, they are …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

To Sell Or Not To Sell Your Dance School

After the decision to start your own dance studio, perhaps the most challenging decision you can make is whether or when to sell it. You conceived it, built it, poured your lifeblood into it, and now find yourself with a …

Teacher article



Preparing Students For Beginner Pointe

Just about every little girl who sees the Nutcracker at an early age has dreams of floating round the stage in pointe shoes, dressed in a sparkling tutu, with a lovely smile on her face and a handsome prince holding …

Teacher article



Yes you can! Creating an all boys class

With men dancing on television and in the movies, it is easier to get boys to sign up for classes. With former football and basketball players and racecar drivers dancing on prime time TV, guys are starting to learn the …

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