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Studio Owner Article


Improve Staff and Custom…

Positive Ways To Deal With Students And Parents

As a studio owner we are constantly faced with having to talk to parents about the numerous situations that come up each and every day. One thing about our business — it is never boring or monotonous. Parents make sure …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

DEEP SIX... These six rules will help you write letters tha…

This is a great time of year to send out a letter to your clients who have not yet re-registered for fall lessons. I highly recommend this as a way of reconnecting with them before the season progresses too far. …

Teacher article



Your Year Long Plan

Each year it is important to make a class plan that will outline the entire year and the content of work you would like your class to learn. This will also help keep you in line with what the class …

Teacher article



Assessment in Dance Education

Having just returned from the celebrated, inaugural Dance Teacher Web Conference in Lake Las Vegas and a successful teacher-talk session on Dance in the K-12 Setting, I’d like to contribute some more information regarding many of the attendees’ questions on …

Teacher article



Strengthening Exercises For The Back

Strengthening the back muscles is essential for dancers, valuable in preventing injuries not just to the back, but also to other areas of the body. When teaching dancers just to stand correctly, I like to familiarize them with the different …

Teacher article



Integrating Choreography-Composition Into Your Curriculum

Every dance teacher has moments of epiphany. For me, it’s when I look at students and recognize their potential to attain a professional dance career, long before they can realize it themselves. As teachers, we have the advantage of insight …

Studio Owner Article


Self-help and Life Enhan…

10 Ways To Improve Your Time Management Skills

Through the years we have had the opportunity to talk to and work with many studio owners from all over the world. One of the biggest issues is time management. We have found that having a daily plan and following …

Teacher article



10 ways to improve releves

So many steps in dance involve a releve so it is important to strengthen this movement from an early age to enable dancers to fully execute the steps that involve a releve. With a young dancer it is important that …

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